A few minutes ago a burning smell invaded our cabin. We looked out the windows and saw a plume of white smoke emanating from our left rear wheel well. As soon as we could we pulled over, which brought us to the United Methodist Church parking lot outside of Vancouver, WA. After breakfast we’d noticed… Read more »
I’ve spent many, many hours considering focus. It’s a concept that’s incredibly abstract and yet universally tangible. We can focus on focus itself and enter recursive infinity or we can focus on our senses and forget what focusing means in the first place. Regardless of where our focus is, it’s always happening. Focus is a… Read more »
23 days in and here I am at the Skidmore Bluffs, watching barges drift into the port. I’m sitting on a flower-adorned bench dedicated to Michele Stephenson with the quote “you live in my heart.” The blue-pink sky is gorgeous and I’m seriously regretting not bringing my camera, but I suppose as a writer I… Read more »
Live Blog from Firedancing at the WatershedPDX I’m sitting in SouthEast Portland at an open ‘crafts and burning’ night where a community of people come together to fire dance and build crafts, and apparently also burn anything of their liking. We’re considering it as a fate for a few of our extra pillows floating around… Read more »
I spent this morning in the Portland Arboretum with my dad and brother wandering leaf-strewn paths under a temperate rainforest. We talked about our bus, how it’s awesome that it’s still running strong and charged all the way across the snowy Rockies. We talked about math and batteries and sometimes nothing. It was calming to… Read more »